Kafka as a data source

Flow can read data from a Kafka topic to stream data as part of a query, as well as write data back to Kafka.

Define a connection to your Kafka broker

Kafka connections are stored in your connections.conf config file, under the kafka element.

The connection specifies how to connect to a broker, but not the specifics of actual topics. (Those are specified on the @KafkaOperation() metadata on a Taxi operation definition.)

kafka {
   my-kafka-connection {
      connectionParameters {
   another-kafka-connection {
      connectionParameters {

The following configuration options are supported under the connectionParameters:

Config option Purpose


A comma-separated list of broker addresses when connecting to the Kafka broker


The groupId to use when connecting to a topic

Additional Kafka connection properties

In addition to brokers and groupId (which are shorthand for bootstrap.servers and group.id respectively), you can provide any of the Kafka consumer and producer config settings.

For example, to define a secure connection:

kafka {
   my-kafka-connection {
      connectionParameters {
         "sasl.jaas.config"="org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username='myKafkaUser' password="${KAFKA_PASSWORD}";"

Troubleshoot connection problems

Use env variables in auth settings

It’s common in Kafka configs that usernames and passwords are embedded within settings, like sasl.jaas.config.

It’s recommended that usernames and passwords are read from env variables, which can lead to tricky HOCON concatenation issues.

The solution is to rely on HOCON concatenation. For example:

"sasl.jaas.config"="org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username="${KAFKA_USERNAME}" password="${KAFKA_PASSWORD}";"

Pay close attention to how the " in the setting are paired - i.e., no escaping, and no using ' to nest inner values.

For example:

kafka {
   my-kafka-connection {
      // ... omitted for brevity
      connectionParameters {
         "sasl.jaas.config"="org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username='myKafkaUser' password="${KAFKA_PASSWORD}";"

Query a Kafka topic

A Kafka topic can be queried using a standard Taxi query, including enriching data from Kafka with other services, and joining multiple streams together.

Expose a topic

Kafka topics are declared in Taxi as simple operations which return a stream of data.

// 1: Add the required imports
import flow.kafka.KafkaService
import flow.kafka.KafkaOperation

// 2: Annotate the service as a `KafkaService`.
@KafkaService( connectionName = "market-prices" )
service MyKafkaService {

   // 3: Annotate the operation as a `@KafkaOperation`
   @KafkaOperation( topic = "stockPrices", offset = "earliest" )
   // The topic is declared as a stream, and returns a Stream<>
   stream streamStockPrices():Stream<StockPrice>
  1. Add the required imports

  2. Annotate the service with @KafkaService

  3. Annotate the operation as a @KafkaOperation, specifying the topic and offset

  4. The return type should be a Stream<> of the defined message type

Keys, headers and metadata

The message key, message headers, and Kafka-specific metadata (such as offset, partition and timestamp) can be provided into a Taxi model using annotations.

Message key

The message key can be accessed using the flow.kafka.KafkaMessageKey annotation on a field:

import flow.kafka.KafkaMessageKey

model Movie {
  // The key from Kafka will be read into the id property
  id: MovieId inherits String
  title: Title inherits String

// Rest of the kafka topic declaration continues...
@KafkaService(connectionName = "moviesConnection")
service MovieService {
  @KafkaOperation(topic = "movies", offset = "earliest")
  stream streamMovieQuery: Stream<Movie>

Kafka metadata

Kafka metadata (such as offset, partition and timestamp) can be accessed using the com.flow.kafka.KafkaMessageMetadata annotation on a field.

KafkaMessageMetadata takes a single parameter, which is the metadata type you wish to read. Defined by the enum type KafkaMetadataType, the following values are defined:

enum KafkaMetadataType {

For example:

import flow.kafka.KafkaMessageMetadata
import flow.kafka.KafkaMetadataType

model Movie {
  offset: Int

  timestamp: Long

  timestampType: String

  partition: Int

  // Other fields continue...
  title: Title inherits String

// Rest of the Kafka topic declaration continues...
@KafkaService(connectionName = "moviesConnection")
service MovieService {
  @KafkaOperation(topic = "movies", offset = "earliest")
  stream streamMovieQuery: Stream<Movie>


Kafka supports including arbitrary message headers along with the message, which are often used for things like correlation keys, etc.

These headers can be accessed using the com.flow.kafka.KafkaHeader annotation:

import flow.kafka.KafkaHeader

model Movie {
  correlationId: CorrelationId inherits String
  title: Title inherits String

// Rest of the Kafka topic declaration continues...
@KafkaService(connectionName = "moviesConnection")
service MovieService {
  @KafkaOperation(topic = "movies", offset = "earliest")
  stream streamMovieQuery: Stream<Movie>

Control deserialization

Message deserialization is defined by the model type being exposed. By default, models are expected to be JSON.

However, this can be controlled by annotating the model with a format annotation.

Two common formats Protobuf and Avro are supported.

Example queries

Stream data from Kafka

// Invokes the `streamStockPrices` stream declared above
stream { StockPrice }

Enrich data from Kafka with other data sources

Data from a Kafka topic can be projected to enrich it with data from other sources.

Data requested that is not present on the Kafka payload is looked up from other sources, using Flow’s standard projections.

stream { StockPrice } as {
  ticker : StockTicker  // avaialble on the Kafka topic
  lastTradedPrice : LastTradedPrice // Looked up from another data source

Filter Kafka streams

This examples reads all messages from the Kafka topic, but only emits those with a stock ticker of AAPL on the resulting stream:

stream { StockPrice.filterEach( ( StockTicker ) -> StockTicker == 'AAPL' ) }

Stream from Kafka to a database

Streams from Kafka can be inserted into a database (or any other writable source, such as Hazelcast or Dynamo) using a mutating query.

As with all mutating queries, it’s not necessary for the data from Kafka to align with the format of the data being written to the data destination.

Flow will automatically adapt the query result to the required persistence format, which may involve projections and even calling additional services if needed.

// First, ensure that your data destination exposes a writeable data source
// Full config omitted for brevity
service MyDatabaseService {
   write operation updateStockPrices(StockPriceSnapshot):StockPriceSnapshot

// Then, define a streaming query.
// In this example, the data format for StockPrice coming off of Kafka
// is different from the data being written to our database (StockPriceSnapshot)
// so {short-product-name} transforms the data automatically
stream { StockPrice }
call MyDatabaseService::updateStockPrices

Join multiple streams

It is possible to join multiple Kafka streams together.

Write to a Kafka topic

To make a topic writable, declare a write operation in a Kafka service:

// 1: Add the required imports
import flow.kafka.KafkaService
import flow.kafka.KafkaOperation

// 2: Annotate the service as a `KafkaService`.
@KafkaService( connectionName = "market-prices" )
service MyKafkaService {

   // ...other kafka topics omitted...

   // 3: Annotate the operation as a `@KafkaOperation`
   @KafkaOperation( topic = "stockPrices", offset = "earliest" )
   // The operation is declared as a write operation
   write operation publishStockPrice(StockPrice):StockPrice


Write a static value onto a Kafka topic

given { stockPrice : StockPrice =
    symbol : 'AAPL',
    price : 12.00203,
call MyKafkaService::publishStockPrice

Consume from one Kafka topic, and write to another topic

To stream data from a Kafka topic, enrich and republish.

@KafkaService( connectionName = "market-prices" )
service MyKafkaService {

   @KafkaOperation( topic = "stockPrices" )
   stream prices : Stream<StockPrice>

   @KafkaOperation( topic = "enrichedPrices" )
   write operation publishEnrichedPrices(EnrichedStockPrice):EnrichedStockPrice

The following query will consume from the stockPrices topic, and for each message, transform to an EnrichedStockPrice, invoking any other services required to inject required data.

stream { StockPrice }
// The input parameter to publishEnrichedPrices
// is a EnrichedStockPrice, so each incoming
// StockPrice message is transformed to a
// EnrichedStockPrice payload, and published onto the
// enrichedPrices topic
call MyKafkaService::publishEnrichedPrices

Build a REST API that publishes to Kafka

This is a full example, where we create an HTTP endpoint accepting a POST request with a ticker symbol.

type StockSymbol inherits String
// The inbound request sent over HTTP requesting a stock price
model StockPricePublicationRequest {
  ticker : StockSymbol

// The message we'll be publishing to Kafka
parameter model StockPriceUpdate {
  ticker : StockSymbol
  currentPrice : StockPrice

closed model CurrentStockPrice {
  price : StockPrice

service PriceService {
  @HttpOperation(url="http://fakeurl/prices/{symbol}", method = "GET")
  operation getCurrentPrice(@PathVariable("symbol") symbol:StockSymbol):CurrentStockPrice

@KafkaService( connectionName = "market-prices" )
service MyKafkaService {
   @KafkaOperation( topic = "stockPrices", offset = "earliest" )
   write operation publishStockPrice(StockPriceUpdate):StockPriceUpdate

@HttpOperation(path = "/api/q/publishStockPrice", method = "POST")
query MySavedQuery(@RequestBody request:StockPriceRequest) {
  given { request }
  call MyKafkaService::publishStockPrice

The above example works as follows:

  • A POST request is sent to /api/q/publishStockPrice with a body of:

{ "ticker" : "AAPL" }
  • The query asks for publishStockPrice to be called, which means a StockPriceUpdate must be constructed

  • To build a StockPriceUpdate, the currentPrice : StockPrice is required, which is available from the price field of CurrentStockPrice object, returned from getCurrentPrice

  • A request to http://fakeurl/prices/AAPL is issued to discover the current stock price, returning:

{ "price" : 117.34 }
  • Finally, we have enough information to build a StockPriceRequest, so the message is published to Kafka:

{ "ticker" : "AAPL", "currentPrice" : 117.34 }