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DMT Command Reference

The DMT commands allow you to manage your migration. DMT extends CLC, and uses the same the configuration. For further information on the configuration. refer to the Configuration for Hazelcast CLC topic in the CLC documentation. DMT adds migration configuration, which is provided as a path to the migration config folder.

The DMT commands have the following format:

dmt [command] [dmt-config-path] [flags]

[dmt-config-path] is the path of the "migration_config" folder that includes your migration config, which is explained in Using the Data Migration Tool section.

dmt start

Starts a new migration with the specified configuration.


dmt start [dmt-config-path] [flags]


Parameter Required Description Default

--output-dir, -o


Output directory for the migration report.

Current working directory



If set, the migration starts immediately, without any confirmation.



Required if no named config has been added

The configuration for connecting to the migration cluster. This can be omitted if a named config has been added.

See CLC configuration page to learn more about how DMT will choose a named configuration if this flag was not provided.

dmt status

Displays the status of the currently running migration.


dmt status [flags]


Parameter Required Description Default

--output-dir, -o


Output directory for the migration report.

Current working directory


Required if no named config has been added

The configuration for connecting to the migration cluster. This can be omitted if a named config has been added.

See CLC configuration page to learn more about how DMT will choose a named configuration if this flag was not provided.

dmt cancel

Cancels the migration.


dmt cancel


Parameter Required Description Default


Required if no named config has been added

The configuration for connecting to the migration cluster. This can be omitted if a named config has been added.

See CLC configuration page to learn more about how DMT will choose a named configuration if this flag was not provided.

dmt estimate

Estimates the duration of the migration using the specified configuration.


dmt estimate [dmt-config-path]


Parameter Required Description Default


Required if no named config has been added

The configuration for connecting to the migration cluster. This can be omitted if a named config has been added.

See CLC configuration page to learn more about how DMT will choose a named configuration if this flag was not provided.