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User Code Deployment

User Code Deployment is deprecated. Use User Code Namespaces instead.

Hazelcast allows you to deploy your own custom and domain classes to cluster members. From Hazelcast Platform Operator, you can deploy your application code from external buckets and ConfigMap objects in Kubernetes.

This topic explains how to configure code deployments. It also brings together examples of when you might use code deployments as part of the configuration of other features, such as the implementation of an external data store or an executor service for the asynchronous execution of tasks.

Configuring User Code Deployment

Below are the configuration options for the User Code Deployment feature. For more information, see the API Reference.

Field Description


When set to true, this option enables custom code deployment from Hazelcast clients.


JAR files from an external bucket are placed under the Java classpath when the following parameter values are supplied:

  • secretName: Name of the Secret object which holds the credentials for your cloud provider.

  • bucketURI: Full path for the external bucket. For example: gs://your-bucket/path/to/jars.


Files specified in the ConfigMaps are placed under the Java classpath.

The data stored in a ConfigMap cannot exceed 1 MiB. For more info, see Kubernetes Documentation for Config Map.


Files downloaded from the URLS will be placed under the Java classpath.


Triggers a rolling restart to begin another download of the custom code.

Example Configuration

The example configuration below:

  • downloads the JAR files from the specified external bucket and places them under the classpath of each of the Hazelcast members

  • puts all the files specified in the ConfigMap objects under the classpath of each of the Hazelcast members.

Currently, mounted persistent volumes are not supported; only cloud provider external buckets are supported.
  • AWS

  • GCP

  • Azure

User Code Deployment in AWS S3:

apiVersion: hazelcast.com/v1alpha1
kind: Hazelcast
  name: hazelcast
    clientEnabled: true
      secretName: map-store-bucket-secret (1)
      bucketURI: s3://map-store-bucket/path/to/jars (2)
    - domain-classes-cm
    - entryprocessor-cm
    - https://example.com/entry-processor.jar
    triggerSequence: "001"

User Code Deployment in GCP:

apiVersion: hazelcast.com/v1alpha1
kind: Hazelcast
  name: hazelcast
    clientEnabled: true
      secretName: map-store-bucket-secret (1)
      bucketURI: gs://map-store-bucket/path/to/jars (2)
    - domain-classes-cm
    - entryprocessor-cm
    - https://example.com/entry-processor.jar
    triggerSequence: "001"

User Code Deployment in Azure Blob:

apiVersion: hazelcast.com/v1alpha1
kind: Hazelcast
  name: hazelcast
    clientEnabled: true
      secretName: map-store-bucket-secret (1)
      bucketURI: azblob://map-store-bucket/path/to/jars (2)
    - domain-classes-cm
    - entryprocessor-cm
    - https://example.com/entry-processor.jar
    triggerSequence: "001"
1 The bucket URI where backup data will be stored in
2 Name of the secret with credentials for accessing the Bucket URI.

Configuring an External Data Store with Hazelcast Platform Operator

The MapLoader and MapStore interfaces in Hazelcast allow you to load map entries from and save map entries to an external data store. See Working with an External Data Store for implementation details.

To use an external data store, you need to create MapLoader and/or MapStore classes and add configuration. In Hazelcast Platform Operator:

  1. Deploy the MapLoader and/or MapStore classes to the classpath of each Hazelcast member.

  2. Configure a Map resource for the MapLoader or MapStore.

Use the following configuration options in the Map resource for a MapStore. The example shows how you might implement these options. For more detailed information, see the API Reference.

Field Description


Sets the initial entry loading mode. LAZY is the default load mode, where load is asynchronous. EAGER means map operations are blocked until all partitions are loaded.


Name of your class that implements the MapLoader and/or MapStore interface.


Number of seconds to delay the storing of map entries.


Used to create batches when writing to the map store. In default mode, with a value of less than two, Hazelcast tries to write all map entries in one go.


For use with write-behind mode in a MapStore. When this option is set to true, Hazelcast coalesces updates on a specific key, and so applies only the last update. Set this option to false to store all updates performed on a key to the data store.


You can use properties to give information to the MapStore implementation. In this case, properties are taken from the secret with the given name.

Example MapStore Configuration

An example Map resource with MapStore configuration.

Example configuration
apiVersion: hazelcast.com/v1alpha1
kind: Map
  name: map-sample
  hazelcastResourceName: hazelcast-sample
    className: com.example.SimpleStore
    propertiesSecretName: props
    initialMode: LAZY
    writeDelaySeconds: 1
    writeBatchSize: 20
    writeCoalescing: false

Configuring Executor Services with the Hazelcast Platform Operator

Hazelcast offers an executor service (IExecutorService), which is an implementation of java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService. With IExecutorService, you can execute tasks asynchronously and perform other useful tasks.

To use the executor service, you need to create Callable and/or Runnable classes and add configuration. In Hazelcast Platform Operator:

  1. Deploy your Callable or Runnable classes to the classpath of each Hazelcast member.

  2. Configure a Hazelcast resource for the Callable or Runnable interface.

There are three variants of the executor service:

  • Executor Service

  • Durable Executor Service

  • Scheduled Executor Service.

Configuration options for a Hazelcast resource to work with all three variants are shown in this section, along with examples of how you might implement these options. For more detailed implementation information, see Java Executor Service.

  • Executor Service

  • Durable Executor Service

  • Scheduled Executor Service

See API Reference for more information.

Field Description


The name of the executor service.


The number of executor threads per member.


Task queue capacity of the executor.

See API Reference for more information.

Field Description


The name of the executor service.


The number of executor threads per member.


Number of backups in the cluster for the submitted task.


Capacity of the executor task per partition.

See API Reference for more information.

Field Description


The name of the executor service.


The number of executor threads per member.


Number of backups in the cluster for the submitted task.


Capacity of the executor task per partition.


The active policy for the capacity setting.

Example Executor Services

An example Hazelcast resource with Executor Services configured.

  • Executor Service

  • Durable Executor Service

  • Scheduled Executor Service

apiVersion: hazelcast.com/v1alpha1
kind: Hazelcast
  name: hazelcast
    - name: service1
      capacity: 8
      queueCapacity: 0
apiVersion: hazelcast.com/v1alpha1
kind: Hazelcast
  name: hazelcast
    - name: service1
      poolSize: 16
      capacity: 100
      durability: 1
apiVersion: hazelcast.com/v1alpha1
kind: Hazelcast
  name: hazelcast
    - name: service1
      poolSize: 16
      capacity: 100
      durability: 1
      capacityPolicy: PER_NODE

Configuring an Entry Processor with Hazelcast Platform Operator

An entry processor executes your code on a map entry in an atomic way. To implement the EntryProcessor interface, you can deploy an EntryProcessor class from the Hazelcast Platform Operator to the classpath of a Hazelcast member. See Entry Processor for more detailed information.