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What’s New in Management Center 5.4

Here are the highlights of what’s new and improved in Hazelcast Management Center 5.4.

For new and improved features in Hazelcast Platform 5.4, see What’s new in Hazelcast Platform 5.4.

With enhanced monitoring and an improved console experience, these improvements are designed to elevate your cluster management experience.

Deeper Insights with Enhanced Config Healthchecks

Advanced Error Detection: The Config Healthcheck system now goes beyond identifying configuration errors and inconsistencies. It proactively recommends best practices for improved cluster performance. Specific rules can be disabled for customization. For more information, see Healthcheck.

Prometheus Integration: Healthcheck status counters are now published using the Prometheus Exporter, providing seamless integration with your monitoring infrastructure for proactive alerting. For more information, see Healthcheck Status.

Richer Console Experience with CLC Integration

Say goodbye to the console: We’ve replaced the console with the powerful Hazelcast Command Line Client (CLC), offering a more comprehensive range of functionalities and support for the latest data structures, including SQL queries and CP data structures. For more information, see Console.

Performance and Usability Enhancements

Faster Metrics Processing: Enjoy improved performance, especially when working with large clusters or clusters with many data structures. For more information, see Metrics.

CP Metrics Support: Gain deeper insights into your CP clusters with improved metrics for CP data structures, including CP Maps. For more information, see CP Subsystem Metrics.

Tiered Storage Awareness: Monitor and analyze the performance of your Tiered Storage.

Personalized Tables: Retain your preferred table settings, including columns shown and their widths, across the Management Center screens. For more information, see Table Presets.

Improved SQL Browser: Pause streaming output in the SQL Browser for better analysis and control.

Improved Navigation: The redesigned sidebar now includes a favorites section and is collapsible for a more efficient workflow. For more information, see Side Bar.

Upgrade Requirements

Hazelcast Management Center 5.4 requires Java 17 or later.

Additional Improvements

This release incorporates over 100 bug fixes and enhancements to optimize your cluster management experience.

For a full list of changes, see 5.4.0 Release Notes.

To get started with Hazelcast Management Center, or upgrade an existing installation, see Installing and Starting Management Center.