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Cooperative Multithreading

Hazelcast doesn’t start a new thread for each concurrent task. Instead it uses a design similar to coroutines: the execution of a task can be suspended purely on the Java level. The underlying thread just goes on executing, returning control to the framework code that manages many coroutines on a single worker thread. We use this design in order to maximize CPU utilization. Two key factors contribute to this:

  • The overhead of context switching is much lower since the operating system’s thread scheduler is not involved.

  • The worker thread stays on the same core for longer periods, preserving the CPU cache lines.


The key component is the Tasklet interface:

interface Tasklet {
    ProgressState call();

The execution engine repeatedly invokes call(), which is supposed to return in no more than 1 millisecond. The ProgressState result is a pair of booleans: (madeProgress, isDone). The former is used for CPU load control (to prevent a hot idle loop) and the latter signals the completion of the task. As long as the task keeps reporting "not done", Hazelcast will call it again. This is a simplified loop that Hazelcast runs:

while (true) {
    boolean madeProgress = false;
    for (Iterator<Tasklet> it = tasklets.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        ProgressState ps = it.next().call();
        if (ps.isDone) {
        madeProgress |= ps.madeProgress;
    if (!madeProgress) {

In the default setup Hazelcast runs the above loop on every CPU core.


The non-blocking API contract spreads to the Processor which implements the logic of a given DAG vertex:

interface Processor {
    void process(int ordinal, Inbox inbox);

ordinal identifies the input edge and inbox contains a batch of input data. The tasklet keeps calling this method until it has consumed all the items from the inbox and then refills the inbox with more data (possibly from a different input edge).

The processor emits the data to the Outbox:

interface Outbox {
    boolean offer(int ordinal, @Nonnull Object item);

offer() is non-blocking, but will fail when the outbox is full, returning false. The processor will react to this by returning from its process() method, and then the tasklet returns from call(). The processor must preserve its state of computation so that it can resume where it left off the next time it’s called.


In many cases the processor satisfies the non-blocking contract by creating a lazy sequence from the input and attaching transformation steps to it (akin to Kotlin sequences). The Jet API defines the Traverser<T> type for this purpose, an iterator-like object with just a single abstract method:

interface Traverser<T> {
    T next();

This lightweight contract allows us to implement Traverser with just a lambda expression. If you look at the source code of Jet engine, you may encounter quite complex code inside Traverser transforms. A good example is the SlidingWindowP processor.

At the ProcessorTasklet level we needed a full state machine implementation, basically implementing the CPS transformation by hand.