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Deploying on Kubernetes

Discover ways to deploy Hazelcast clusters in Kubernetes environments.


Hazelcast CP Subsystem can be used safely in Kubernetes only if CP Subsystem Persistence is enabled (Enterprise Feature). Otherwise, a CP Subsystem Group may not recover after scaling the cluster or a rolling upgrade.


If you just want to play with Hazelcast on Kubernetes, execute the following commands to create a Hazelcast cluster with 3 members in the default namespace using the default Service Account.

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hazelcast/hazelcast/master/kubernetes-rbac.yaml
kubectl run hazelcast-1 --image=hazelcast/hazelcast:5.0.5
kubectl run hazelcast-2 --image=hazelcast/hazelcast:5.0.5
kubectl run hazelcast-3 --image=hazelcast/hazelcast:5.0.5

Hazelcast members automatically discover themselves and form one Hazelcast cluster.

For production-grade Kubernetes deployment, use Helm chart or Hazelcast Platform Operator.

Helm Chart

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes. Hazelcast is distributed in a form of Helm Charts:

See the Hazelcast Helm Charts documentation for more details.

Hazelcast Platform Operator for Kubernetes/OpenShift

Kubernetes Operators are software extensions to Kubernetes which help you create and manage your applications. Hazelcast Platform Operator automates common management tasks such as configuring, creating, and scaling Hazelcast clusters on Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift. By taking care of manual deployment and life-cycle management, Hazelcast Platform Operator makes it simpler to work with Hazelcast clusters.

See the Hazelcast Platform Operator Documentation for more information and find details about deploying a Hazelcast cluster in Kubernetes and also connecting clients outside Kubernetes.